Every election the Republicans are told over and over again by the Media they must have a candidate that appeals to the Middle if they are to win. Then the Media goes about systematically attacking each Republican front runner by portraying them in a way they think will destroy their appeal to the Middle. The Democrat candidate ,in this case Obama did not get this treatment in 2008 and will not get it in 2012,so it is up to the Republicans, and also the candidate, to make Obama unattractive to the Middle.
To most of us in 2008 Obama’s rhetoric, lack of experience, and roots in that filthy sewer of US politics, Chicago, was a dead give away the man would be a disaster as President. This did not sway the Middle. His claim that proper tire inflation could replace oil supply lost through lack of offshore drilling was a tell to most thinking people the man was either a complete idiot or a pathological liar. This did not sway the Middle. His association with known anti-American radicals such as his preacher did not sway the Middle.
The Middle are in general a group who do not wish to make waves or hear loud voices of those who have convictions. They want America to solve its financial problems but are not willing to make the hard choices needed for that to become reality . They are the Middle. Their strongest convictions are those positions they last heard explained to them by the Media. These convictions could change by bedtime depending on what late night TV show they watch. The country’s problem is not so much Obama as it is the people who voted for him.
The solution for the Republicans is simple and probably why they fail to see it. You make Obama completely unappealing to the Middle by portraying him as the hapless dork that he is. You run video of him looking like Forrest Gump riding his bike at Martha’s Vineyard, you run the video of him throwing the first pitch and bowling. You do this 24/7. No American Idol watching member of the Middle is going to vote for a man who throws a ball or rides a bike in this manner. If bowling was a more popular game there is no way Obama could have been elected. This incompetent boob has had more verbal gaffs than any public figure in my memory. YouTube is littered with them. You run these 24/7. The Middle will not be won over by reason or common sense solutions to our economic woes. Of course any honest discussion of Obama, his beliefs, his incompetence, or his record will be termed negative and dirty politics by the Media, The gutless Republicans can not let this deter them. If we don’t get down in the gutter and fight Obama and the Media that supports him, we lose and it’s game over for the good ole USA.
To win the Republicans must portray Obama as uncool, and the incompetent boob that he is. This is what stirs the Middle. It will be their call to arms.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My Ten Favorite Politicians
1. Al Gore - there are so many instances of corruption and outrageous mendacity in this guys career I don't know where to start. So let's go to his most recent. The man made global warming scam that he helped create and now has made hundreds of millions of dollars from is probably the largest fraud in the history of mankind. Twenty years from now Warmers will be mocked for their complete idiocy. Taxpayer and US citizens are in danger every day this schmuck is not in prison.
2. Fast Franklin Raines- not only did this guy cook the US books under Waskally Willie but also managed to loot Fannie of billions thru book cooking and incompetence. He was at the center of the greatest scandal in US politics,the systematic looting of the taxpayer of billions via Frankie and and his Democrat buds.
3. Barney Frank - Its easy to say this guy is just an incompetent boob,I mean how don't you know your boyfriend is running a whorehouse out of your home? This guy with the help of the insane Maxine Waters helped save Fannie Mae from the regulations that would have stopped the Democrat looting of said corporation which was the catalyst for the financial meltdown of 2008. No one person is more responsible for the financial meltdown,so what did we do ,we let him and fellow grifter Chris Dodd write the new financial regulations. Only in Washington DC.
4. The Clintons- Do we really need to go there?
5.Chucky Shumer - This guy just reeks of corruption and sleaze. All you have to do is look at this guy and know something isn't right.
6.Anthony Wiener- Pervert and lunatic socialist.
7.Rahm Emanuel - Weasel. After a short stint on BOD of Freddie Mac,he was offered a multi million dollar a year job on Wall Street. Corrupt to the core.
8.Daley- Even though this guy was genetically predisposed to a life of corruption,he was on the BOD of Fannie Mae. He was there when Dems were stealing everything that wasn't tied down.
9.Eric Holder- As with so many Democrats,you don't if he a complete idiot,lunatic socialist,or just a liar. This guy is probably all three. He approved the pardon of criminal Marc Rich.
10. Ed Randal- Just look and listen. Ok,this is easy,what politician from Pa. isn't a crook but this guy like Shumer just reeks of it. Its that Jim Wright thing,you just know they are lying through their teeth every time they speak.
PS. Under no circumstances bend over in the presence of any of these guys
2. Fast Franklin Raines- not only did this guy cook the US books under Waskally Willie but also managed to loot Fannie of billions thru book cooking and incompetence. He was at the center of the greatest scandal in US politics,the systematic looting of the taxpayer of billions via Frankie and and his Democrat buds.
3. Barney Frank - Its easy to say this guy is just an incompetent boob,I mean how don't you know your boyfriend is running a whorehouse out of your home? This guy with the help of the insane Maxine Waters helped save Fannie Mae from the regulations that would have stopped the Democrat looting of said corporation which was the catalyst for the financial meltdown of 2008. No one person is more responsible for the financial meltdown,so what did we do ,we let him and fellow grifter Chris Dodd write the new financial regulations. Only in Washington DC.
4. The Clintons- Do we really need to go there?
5.Chucky Shumer - This guy just reeks of corruption and sleaze. All you have to do is look at this guy and know something isn't right.
6.Anthony Wiener- Pervert and lunatic socialist.
7.Rahm Emanuel - Weasel. After a short stint on BOD of Freddie Mac,he was offered a multi million dollar a year job on Wall Street. Corrupt to the core.
8.Daley- Even though this guy was genetically predisposed to a life of corruption,he was on the BOD of Fannie Mae. He was there when Dems were stealing everything that wasn't tied down.
9.Eric Holder- As with so many Democrats,you don't if he a complete idiot,lunatic socialist,or just a liar. This guy is probably all three. He approved the pardon of criminal Marc Rich.
10. Ed Randal- Just look and listen. Ok,this is easy,what politician from Pa. isn't a crook but this guy like Shumer just reeks of it. Its that Jim Wright thing,you just know they are lying through their teeth every time they speak.
PS. Under no circumstances bend over in the presence of any of these guys
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Problem with Housing
US housing has in great part been built and supported by government subsidies. The first great subsidy was the mortgage deduction. The next was the low interest rate and easy money policy of Greenspan. Tack on to that the Clinton first time tax break on a home sale where the first $500K is tax free and you have some pretty good reasons to put money in real estate rather than stocks or anywhere else for that matter. . Add to that the federal governments pressure on banks that started under Clinton to write mortgages to people who could never ever pay them back and you have the makings of serious bubble. As with any industry or business supported by government subsidies the only way it can continue to grow is with more subsidies. Its a fact.
The only way to cure the excesses in housing and begin a real recovery is through a cathartic process. Instead our government is attempting to further encourage people to stay in mortgages they cant afford even at lower interest rates. The same government whose affordable housing policy pushed people into these mortgage now wishes to imprison them in a life of debt and misery. I guess this is compassionate liberalism. These same policies keep new buyers out of market. Decades of government subsidies have come home to roost.
Now with with many local and state governments in jams because of fiscal irresponsibility, taxes on real estate are increasing and that will not stop. Utility costs of home ownership increase each year. So instead of new subsidies to further support home prices,home owners are faced with increased overhead.
The government has also tried to inflate our way out of the housing mess. To date this has failed but has succeeded in destroying many in the middle class who are savers or live on fixed income. Those who have lived responsibly and made good decisions are being punished by the very government that created the problem.
There is also no way of telling how much capital has been miss allocated because of the favorable tax treatment of mortgages and the Clinton tax break. The market will find a way to reallocate this misplaced capital,the end result can only mean lower home prices.
The only way to cure the excesses in housing and begin a real recovery is through a cathartic process. Instead our government is attempting to further encourage people to stay in mortgages they cant afford even at lower interest rates. The same government whose affordable housing policy pushed people into these mortgage now wishes to imprison them in a life of debt and misery. I guess this is compassionate liberalism. These same policies keep new buyers out of market. Decades of government subsidies have come home to roost.
Now with with many local and state governments in jams because of fiscal irresponsibility, taxes on real estate are increasing and that will not stop. Utility costs of home ownership increase each year. So instead of new subsidies to further support home prices,home owners are faced with increased overhead.
The government has also tried to inflate our way out of the housing mess. To date this has failed but has succeeded in destroying many in the middle class who are savers or live on fixed income. Those who have lived responsibly and made good decisions are being punished by the very government that created the problem.
There is also no way of telling how much capital has been miss allocated because of the favorable tax treatment of mortgages and the Clinton tax break. The market will find a way to reallocate this misplaced capital,the end result can only mean lower home prices.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Things Liberals believe, a work in progess
1.Spending money, that your crazy Uncle Benny is printing in the basement is creating wealth.
2.Republicans want to starve children,old people,and poor people
3.Republicans want to poison our water and air
4.Those who pay taxes are not paying enough.
5.Belief that man can change the weather and climate by using certain types of light bulbs. To date there absolutely no scientific proof of man made global warming.
6.FDR pulled us out of the great depression with massive government spending.
7.George Bush created Hurricane Katrina
8.Republicans are racists.
9.Republicans want to end SS
10.Bush and Cheney started Iraq war to benefit Haliburton.
11.Cheney is a Nazi
12.All wars initiated by Democrats have been smart wars(obamanism). WW One,WW Two,Korea,Viet Nam,Afghanistan Two,and Libya.
13.Bush and Cheney were somehow involved in 911.
14.Capitalism is evil the and foundation of all our problems
15.Obama is intelligent
16.Would buy something from Harry Reid or Jim Wright
17.There is absolutely nothing improper about the President abusing a young intern in the White House. After all she was wearing a thong and should have known better.
18.There is a great Right Wing Plot.
19.Republicans want old people,children,minorities,and gays to die
20.George Bush was somehow involved with four other white cracker racists in the dragging death of William Byrd in Jasper Tx.
21.Teddy Kennedy wrongly persecuted because of a drunken slut who was seducing him did not know how to swim.
22.Republicans masterminded a plot to extend the Iranian Hostage Crisis to insure Jimbo Carters defeat. This included a midnight flight in a supersonic spy plane to Europe by soon to be VP George Bush to convince Iranian terrorists not to release hostages until Reagan won.
23.Barney Frank is an honest and competent human being
24.Turbo Tax is difficult to understand
25. New Technology creating much of present economic problems
26.Christians are nuts
27.Timothy McVeigh was a Republican
28. Cuba health care system is superior to US.
29.Proper tire inflation can solve the worlds energy crisis
30.George Bush was a conservative
31.James Carville and Paul Begala are honest,civil and intelligent.
32.Terrorists from other countries and illegal immigrants have same rights in US as US citizens. They should not pay taxes.
33.Bill Clinton balanced the budget and reformed welfare
34.Voters should not have to prove they are US citizens
35. Illegal immigrants should be able to vote and get free college education
36.Building schools for murdering barbarians in Afghanistan will make Afghans like us.
37.Government spending creates self sustaining jobs and wealth
38.There is no problem when a company like Countrywide gives special mortgages to Democrat Senators.
39. Algore invented the internet
40. The Middle East has contributed much to today’s civilization.
41. John Kerry is breathing.
42. It was ok for Robert Byrd to have been a leading member in the KKK because he was able to loot enough money from taxpayers to keep West Virginy solvent and his family very wealthy. But Republicans are the racists.
43.Oil companies collude with one another to fix prices and destroy the environment.
44.Most Oil company employees are aliens who can live in our polluted environment.
45. Henry Waxman looks a like a normal human being
46. Dennis Kucinich is a reasonable person
47. Donny Deutsch is not creepy
48.Believe John Stewart is a real news anchor
2.Republicans want to starve children,old people,and poor people
3.Republicans want to poison our water and air
4.Those who pay taxes are not paying enough.
5.Belief that man can change the weather and climate by using certain types of light bulbs. To date there absolutely no scientific proof of man made global warming.
6.FDR pulled us out of the great depression with massive government spending.
7.George Bush created Hurricane Katrina
8.Republicans are racists.
9.Republicans want to end SS
10.Bush and Cheney started Iraq war to benefit Haliburton.
11.Cheney is a Nazi
12.All wars initiated by Democrats have been smart wars(obamanism). WW One,WW Two,Korea,Viet Nam,Afghanistan Two,and Libya.
13.Bush and Cheney were somehow involved in 911.
14.Capitalism is evil the and foundation of all our problems
15.Obama is intelligent
16.Would buy something from Harry Reid or Jim Wright
17.There is absolutely nothing improper about the President abusing a young intern in the White House. After all she was wearing a thong and should have known better.
18.There is a great Right Wing Plot.
19.Republicans want old people,children,minorities,and gays to die
20.George Bush was somehow involved with four other white cracker racists in the dragging death of William Byrd in Jasper Tx.
21.Teddy Kennedy wrongly persecuted because of a drunken slut who was seducing him did not know how to swim.
22.Republicans masterminded a plot to extend the Iranian Hostage Crisis to insure Jimbo Carters defeat. This included a midnight flight in a supersonic spy plane to Europe by soon to be VP George Bush to convince Iranian terrorists not to release hostages until Reagan won.
23.Barney Frank is an honest and competent human being
24.Turbo Tax is difficult to understand
25. New Technology creating much of present economic problems
26.Christians are nuts
27.Timothy McVeigh was a Republican
28. Cuba health care system is superior to US.
29.Proper tire inflation can solve the worlds energy crisis
30.George Bush was a conservative
31.James Carville and Paul Begala are honest,civil and intelligent.
32.Terrorists from other countries and illegal immigrants have same rights in US as US citizens. They should not pay taxes.
33.Bill Clinton balanced the budget and reformed welfare
34.Voters should not have to prove they are US citizens
35. Illegal immigrants should be able to vote and get free college education
36.Building schools for murdering barbarians in Afghanistan will make Afghans like us.
37.Government spending creates self sustaining jobs and wealth
38.There is no problem when a company like Countrywide gives special mortgages to Democrat Senators.
39. Algore invented the internet
40. The Middle East has contributed much to today’s civilization.
41. John Kerry is breathing.
42. It was ok for Robert Byrd to have been a leading member in the KKK because he was able to loot enough money from taxpayers to keep West Virginy solvent and his family very wealthy. But Republicans are the racists.
43.Oil companies collude with one another to fix prices and destroy the environment.
44.Most Oil company employees are aliens who can live in our polluted environment.
45. Henry Waxman looks a like a normal human being
46. Dennis Kucinich is a reasonable person
47. Donny Deutsch is not creepy
48.Believe John Stewart is a real news anchor
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Few Suggestion on how Federal Government could save money
1. Legalize all drugs. The cost savings would be huge. We could end the War on Drugs, if you haven’t noticed we have been getting our asses kicked for 40 years in this War. We could empty prisons of Americans there on drug charges,cutting billions from prison costs. The gang wars on Mexican border would stop overnight. More Mexicans would choose to live in Mexico. The government could find some large political contributor, like GE,and let them manufacture and sell drugs within our borders and of course share in the profits. Guess we forgot that prohibition thing did not work to well in the 20s. Best of all a person like myself who is unable to drink alcohol could fire up the bong tonight as I get ready to watch Breaking Bad or Wilfred. Think of the millions of new jobs in our new drug industry as well as rehab industry. Its a gold mine. What are we waiting for?
2.What the fuck are we doing in Afghanistan? Why are we building schools for cavemen who hate us when there are Americans who can not read and teachers who if they can find work cant make a living wage? Have we not read world history? Afghanistan intervention led to the demise of both British and Russian empires,so we figure WTF,lets give it a ago? Its not like we haven’t fucked up everything we have touched in south east asia or the mid east. Making the same mistakes over and over with the same horrid results is either the sign of insanity or an American politician.
3. Make Unions illegal for government employees. This needs no explanation
4.Shut down Fannie and Freddie. Get the government out of the home business and while we are at it end the mortgage deduction for homes.
5. Sell the Post Office to private enterprise.Yeah,this would hurt the important junk mail industry but so be it.
6. Shut down Dept of Education and Commerce
7. Start profiling at Airports and start curtailing TSA.
8.Sell Amtrak to private enterprise
9.Make it illegal to collect pensions from more than one government agency.
10. Stop all foreign travel for Congress.
2.What the fuck are we doing in Afghanistan? Why are we building schools for cavemen who hate us when there are Americans who can not read and teachers who if they can find work cant make a living wage? Have we not read world history? Afghanistan intervention led to the demise of both British and Russian empires,so we figure WTF,lets give it a ago? Its not like we haven’t fucked up everything we have touched in south east asia or the mid east. Making the same mistakes over and over with the same horrid results is either the sign of insanity or an American politician.
3. Make Unions illegal for government employees. This needs no explanation
4.Shut down Fannie and Freddie. Get the government out of the home business and while we are at it end the mortgage deduction for homes.
5. Sell the Post Office to private enterprise.Yeah,this would hurt the important junk mail industry but so be it.
6. Shut down Dept of Education and Commerce
7. Start profiling at Airports and start curtailing TSA.
8.Sell Amtrak to private enterprise
9.Make it illegal to collect pensions from more than one government agency.
10. Stop all foreign travel for Congress.
Friday, July 29, 2011
A friend who lives on the other side of Houston wanted me to read a book he had just finished.Two days later I received the book from Amazon. It was used and cost $2,shipping was free because my friend is an Amazon Prime member,as am I. It would have cost each of us $5 in gas and several hours out of our day to meet to exchange the book. It was cheaper to buy it from Amazon and have it delivered. This event keeps intruding into whats left of my alcohol ravaged brain reminding me of the genius that is Bezos and the fact that I sold AMZN at $80 for a $5 profit. Strong stocks get stronger you moron.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Democrat Game Plan
1.Blame Bush
2.Blame Tea Party
3.Blame Billionaires
4.Blame Private Jet Owners
5.Blame Bush
6.Blame Supply and Demand
7.Blame the Unfairness of it all
8.Hatred for anyone who has more than you or is more successful than you
9.True Economic prosperity can only be created by Government Investment(freebasing your tax dollars). Say this one over and over 10 times a day,then send it to 35 people you know and it will come true.
10.Only white cracker racists would oppose the incineration of more of their money by the Central Planners
11. There is no Inflation
12. But if there is Inflation it is good.
13. More inflation is better. Inflation is a hidden tax on those who save and used to pay for government schemes, like the con we are pulling on China. Communists are born suckers. In the end our government transfers the wealth of the middle class and the Commies to those in US who have been held back or trampled by Capitalists.
14. Blame Bush
15.Cant we all just get along
16. Republicans want to starve old people,children, and your pets.
as possible.
17. Racist Republicans do not properly inflate their tires
18.Everyone should be able to buy a home,even if they cant fog a mirror.
19.Turbo Tax is hard to use
20. Save us Hillary,but lose the pantsuits.
2.Blame Tea Party
3.Blame Billionaires
4.Blame Private Jet Owners
5.Blame Bush
6.Blame Supply and Demand
7.Blame the Unfairness of it all
8.Hatred for anyone who has more than you or is more successful than you
9.True Economic prosperity can only be created by Government Investment(freebasing your tax dollars). Say this one over and over 10 times a day,then send it to 35 people you know and it will come true.
10.Only white cracker racists would oppose the incineration of more of their money by the Central Planners
11. There is no Inflation
12. But if there is Inflation it is good.
13. More inflation is better. Inflation is a hidden tax on those who save and used to pay for government schemes, like the con we are pulling on China. Communists are born suckers. In the end our government transfers the wealth of the middle class and the Commies to those in US who have been held back or trampled by Capitalists.
14. Blame Bush
15.Cant we all just get along
16. Republicans want to starve old people,children, and your pets.
as possible.
17. Racist Republicans do not properly inflate their tires
18.Everyone should be able to buy a home,even if they cant fog a mirror.
19.Turbo Tax is hard to use
20. Save us Hillary,but lose the pantsuits.
Please Stop the Noise
Here we go again. Just as with Tarp,the GM bailout,Stimulus 1,2,and 3,as well as QE 1,2,and maybe 3 Obama,Democrats and their lapdog media have to whip us into a panic to sell the notion that to avoid the end of the world we must raise the debt ceiling. They say we must do this to avoid a downgrade but the agencies that would do the downgrading say they want 4 trillion in spending cuts. So why is it we need to raise the Debt ceiling which allows the government to spend more money they don’t have? You see the insanity of the Left’s and Media’s argument. They are saying we must spend more to avoid downgrades which their spending will trigger or are they saying the only way they will accept cuts far out in the future is if we allow them to spend more now?Like petulant children they will scream and yell till they get what they want. They want more spending,less cuts and most important they want credit for any deal done. So how do we stop the 24/7 panic machine of the Left?
It should be obvious with the medias non coverage of Obama’s wars compared to the 24/7mad dog attacks on Bush for his war,that the Media will only accept spending cuts if they come from a Democrat. We all know,no Democrat worth his offshore bank account is gonna cut spending,which in effect lessens the power of a Congressman and his ability to raise personal "funds". Their power is derived from their ability to spend taxpayer money or Bernanke play money and the US tax code. Its why they will never stop spending or reform the tax code. Our only hope is a Manchurian Candidate. A sane fiscally responsible man or woman would have to masquerade as a Democrat ,infiltrate the party,and win the nomination.
Unfortunately by the time our Manchurian Candidate is old enough to run the good ole USA will be Greece. So I suggest Rep.Boehner go to Obama with a deal and agree to call it Obama’s Deal but dont worry the media will call it that anyways,just like they did when Republicans dragged Waskally Willy kicking and screaming to a balanced budget and welfare reform. This is where it gets good,you offer Obama a life time membership to Augusta if he accepts spending cuts. No way he turns that down. Once that is done,start working on the Cypress Point membership that you will need in 6 months when this whole God forsaken mess comes up again.
It should be obvious with the medias non coverage of Obama’s wars compared to the 24/7mad dog attacks on Bush for his war,that the Media will only accept spending cuts if they come from a Democrat. We all know,no Democrat worth his offshore bank account is gonna cut spending,which in effect lessens the power of a Congressman and his ability to raise personal "funds". Their power is derived from their ability to spend taxpayer money or Bernanke play money and the US tax code. Its why they will never stop spending or reform the tax code. Our only hope is a Manchurian Candidate. A sane fiscally responsible man or woman would have to masquerade as a Democrat ,infiltrate the party,and win the nomination.
Unfortunately by the time our Manchurian Candidate is old enough to run the good ole USA will be Greece. So I suggest Rep.Boehner go to Obama with a deal and agree to call it Obama’s Deal but dont worry the media will call it that anyways,just like they did when Republicans dragged Waskally Willy kicking and screaming to a balanced budget and welfare reform. This is where it gets good,you offer Obama a life time membership to Augusta if he accepts spending cuts. No way he turns that down. Once that is done,start working on the Cypress Point membership that you will need in 6 months when this whole God forsaken mess comes up again.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Middle
I am so tired of hearing the talking heads preaching how the Republicans need someone who can appeal to the middle. Like Dole,McCain,and Bush? That’s how we got into this mess.
They pretend to pity the Republicans because “those tea party people” are putting pressure on them to be fiscally responsible. In truth any Republican who appeals to the middle will probably continue to drive the US down the “Road to Serfdom”. The middle is the problem,they are mindless lemmings heading for the cliff. They don’t want confrontation or tough choices. The middle favors the status quo. If the Republicans give us another one of these candidates,it will surely be the end of the Republican party and probably the country. We need someone not of the Republican-Democrat spending machine. We need BAchman.
They pretend to pity the Republicans because “those tea party people” are putting pressure on them to be fiscally responsible. In truth any Republican who appeals to the middle will probably continue to drive the US down the “Road to Serfdom”. The middle is the problem,they are mindless lemmings heading for the cliff. They don’t want confrontation or tough choices. The middle favors the status quo. If the Republicans give us another one of these candidates,it will surely be the end of the Republican party and probably the country. We need someone not of the Republican-Democrat spending machine. We need BAchman.
The Wedding Toast
This was the plan,almost got it right but did leave some out as the my memory is not too good in front of 200 people and the tux choking my fat neck.
i would like to thank everyone who has traveled to Dallas for this wonderful occasion and beautiful wedding. Even though Dallas lacks the charm and sophistication of Houston,it is still part of Texas does have the Mavericks, and I hope you all are enjoying it here. This will probably be the most I have talked in the presence of Patty and Martha the past 6 months so excuse me if I am a little nervous.,I found out quick any time I spoke even it if it wasnt with a wedding suggestions, I got icy glares , or just told to go away. As my brother in law Doug MacLeod counselled me the best way to get through this stressful pre marriage period is to shut up,show up,shell out.
I would like to recognize two couples tonight, my parents Bob and Shirley Preston and Jims grandparents Jim and Chris Georgeadis both celebrating their 60 anniversary this year. Jim and Patty this is what its supposed to look like. Both couples are excellent representatives of the greatest generation, Bob and Jim served in the Pacific theater of WW2 and were entrepeneurs who were very successful in the retail and wholesale Oil business. As a side note Jim did not have the advantage of the large child slave labor force my dad had.
Patty and Jim met while in studying abroad in Italy. I can’t think of a more romantic place to meet. I know that included a couple trips to the beatiful Cinque Terra,much wonderful food and wine.
I have no idea what they were studying over there or were you studying.?
Tonight also represents a union of my two favorite states.My home state of Pennsylvania,known for its beautiful countryside, rugged and hardworking residents,the Steelers,wonderful Italian food, horrible winters,crooked politicians mixed with Texas. known for its endless horizons,friendly residents,larger than life characters, frontier spirit,far ants,great Tex Mex and of course crooked polticians.
The moment we met Jim we felt as if he was part of the family. We knew he was the guy for Patty when while hiking in Sedona he saved our family from a horde of wild javelinas by screaming a popular 4 letter profanity while running very fast in the opposite direction.
Jim has also become sorta of legend in the Dallas investment community by not only becoming one of youngest VPs in his firm but also one of the shortest in duration.
When Patty was in college she would call us before and after every test freaking out. I am going to fail or I did fail. The result was 4 years of straight As. Jim, these grades do not come from my side of the family. Unfortunately this has carried over into her job,and now we get the same calls a couple times a week about how she is failing at her job, she is gonna be fired
Jim it is now your duty to bring Patty down from the ledge each week . she is all yours now Jim. These calls now go to you,we wont be taking them anymore.
Jim as you and your family discovered very early Patty is unable to drink and wear high heels shoes. She becomes very wobbly and ultimately falls down. This does come from my side of the familly. Because of this I instituted the rule,after two drinks Patty must either be barefoot or stop drinking. I suggest you enforce this rule.
Through this marriage you are also related to the worst backseat drive in the world, Pattys twin sister Sara. Have fun with that one.
Jim, a good friend gave me some sound advice in the early troubled days of my marriage.He told me all I had to do to have a happy marriage was remember 4 things. Come home bearing gifts on Valentines Day,Birthday, Mothers day,and today your anniversary. So far,it has worked. And I would like to add do not gamble against your wife on the golf course and never let your wife watch you gamble in Las Vegas. Neither ends well. But no matter how much you have to give in on things,never let the TV remote out of your control, thats the last shred of dignity we have left.
Patty and Jim,the best advice I can give is always talk with each other, always eat dinner together,dont keep score ,dont be afraid to tell your partner what you think,dont be afraid to get mad at each other,dont be afraid to give in and whatever you do,dont drink black russians..
Lastly Patty and Jim, when in doubt take deep breaths and repeat the mantra of the great Frank Kastanza. serenity now
i would like to thank everyone who has traveled to Dallas for this wonderful occasion and beautiful wedding. Even though Dallas lacks the charm and sophistication of Houston,it is still part of Texas does have the Mavericks, and I hope you all are enjoying it here. This will probably be the most I have talked in the presence of Patty and Martha the past 6 months so excuse me if I am a little nervous.,I found out quick any time I spoke even it if it wasnt with a wedding suggestions, I got icy glares , or just told to go away. As my brother in law Doug MacLeod counselled me the best way to get through this stressful pre marriage period is to shut up,show up,shell out.
I would like to recognize two couples tonight, my parents Bob and Shirley Preston and Jims grandparents Jim and Chris Georgeadis both celebrating their 60 anniversary this year. Jim and Patty this is what its supposed to look like. Both couples are excellent representatives of the greatest generation, Bob and Jim served in the Pacific theater of WW2 and were entrepeneurs who were very successful in the retail and wholesale Oil business. As a side note Jim did not have the advantage of the large child slave labor force my dad had.
Patty and Jim met while in studying abroad in Italy. I can’t think of a more romantic place to meet. I know that included a couple trips to the beatiful Cinque Terra,much wonderful food and wine.
I have no idea what they were studying over there or were you studying.?
Tonight also represents a union of my two favorite states.My home state of Pennsylvania,known for its beautiful countryside, rugged and hardworking residents,the Steelers,wonderful Italian food, horrible winters,crooked politicians mixed with Texas. known for its endless horizons,friendly residents,larger than life characters, frontier spirit,far ants,great Tex Mex and of course crooked polticians.
The moment we met Jim we felt as if he was part of the family. We knew he was the guy for Patty when while hiking in Sedona he saved our family from a horde of wild javelinas by screaming a popular 4 letter profanity while running very fast in the opposite direction.
Jim has also become sorta of legend in the Dallas investment community by not only becoming one of youngest VPs in his firm but also one of the shortest in duration.
When Patty was in college she would call us before and after every test freaking out. I am going to fail or I did fail. The result was 4 years of straight As. Jim, these grades do not come from my side of the family. Unfortunately this has carried over into her job,and now we get the same calls a couple times a week about how she is failing at her job, she is gonna be fired
Jim it is now your duty to bring Patty down from the ledge each week . she is all yours now Jim. These calls now go to you,we wont be taking them anymore.
Jim as you and your family discovered very early Patty is unable to drink and wear high heels shoes. She becomes very wobbly and ultimately falls down. This does come from my side of the familly. Because of this I instituted the rule,after two drinks Patty must either be barefoot or stop drinking. I suggest you enforce this rule.
Through this marriage you are also related to the worst backseat drive in the world, Pattys twin sister Sara. Have fun with that one.
Jim, a good friend gave me some sound advice in the early troubled days of my marriage.He told me all I had to do to have a happy marriage was remember 4 things. Come home bearing gifts on Valentines Day,Birthday, Mothers day,and today your anniversary. So far,it has worked. And I would like to add do not gamble against your wife on the golf course and never let your wife watch you gamble in Las Vegas. Neither ends well. But no matter how much you have to give in on things,never let the TV remote out of your control, thats the last shred of dignity we have left.
Patty and Jim,the best advice I can give is always talk with each other, always eat dinner together,dont keep score ,dont be afraid to tell your partner what you think,dont be afraid to get mad at each other,dont be afraid to give in and whatever you do,dont drink black russians..
Lastly Patty and Jim, when in doubt take deep breaths and repeat the mantra of the great Frank Kastanza. serenity now
Monday, May 16, 2011
Deja Vu all over again?
Checked into the Stoneliegh Hotel in Dallas for my daughter Patty’s wedding. We are here for a week. Internet access still sucks. Last time I spent a week in this hotel was after Hurricane Ike hit Houston. We stayed here till our power came back. That was also the week the market got murdered. I remember following Joe Donohue,Upsidetrader,tweets. He was short the world and as the market collapsed he pressed his bets. It was indeed impressive. I would try to make the occasional dip buy and then lose my internet connection,only to find out by watching the TV or calling my broker I had had my head crushed in. Then when my internet would come back I would see Joe had shorted where I had bought. It was a painful day in learning you don’t fight the flow,you make the market your friend. If the wind is in your face all you have to do is turn around and its at your back. I love shorting but am long various stocks long term so I am hoping this isn’t a repeat of that black week a few years ago. Whatever happens I am going to follow what Joe does this time.
On another note it really sucks NFLX chooses to implode the day I am out of the office. I knew at some time my cancellation of NFLX subscription would be too much for the stock to handle.
On another note it really sucks NFLX chooses to implode the day I am out of the office. I knew at some time my cancellation of NFLX subscription would be too much for the stock to handle.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
There will be no inflation
It is obvious after today to even the most economically illiterate, the government is in the process of monetizing it’s debt. Simply put,the US government is gonna screw anyone who is a saver,lives on fixed income, or any country that has bought US debt.
In a perverse way it is also a massive redistribution of wealth. It is destroying the value of dollar to pay back debts built up financing social and entitlement programs. This inflation will also help pay for the millions of government employees and their sweet health and retirement programs.
How can any person think they are capable of managing something as massive as the US economy and its money supply is beyond me,but both Bin Greenspan and Uncle Benny believe they are up to the job. They are central planners,like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain,with the same amount of effectiveness.
It’s really no surprise,governments have been robbing citizens since the beginning of time through various methods of inflation. Before the advent of paper money and the magic printing press,rulers had to physically change the size of coins. Coins got smaller and smaller till there was nothing left.
It is surprising the central planners are sticking to this there is no inflation story. I guess they figure,if we were stupid enough to vote them in we are also stupid enough to believe there is no inflation.
You see wages are not going up,homes are not going up in price,and technology devices are falling in price. But oil,food,commodities,stocks are going through the roof. Never forget these are same scoundrels who caused the financial crisis by forcing banks to loan money to people who could not fog a mirror.
In truth there is no way out. We either stop spending and live within our means,which will cause a slowdown and a painful recession,but with tax reform and smaller government the US economy will rebound from it stronger than ever or we keep printing money, destroy our currency, and let society fall into chaos. Doesn’t seem like that difficult a choice,unless you are a US politician.
In the meantime I will spend more time in meditation.Inhale,there is no inflation,exhale. Repeat.
In a perverse way it is also a massive redistribution of wealth. It is destroying the value of dollar to pay back debts built up financing social and entitlement programs. This inflation will also help pay for the millions of government employees and their sweet health and retirement programs.
How can any person think they are capable of managing something as massive as the US economy and its money supply is beyond me,but both Bin Greenspan and Uncle Benny believe they are up to the job. They are central planners,like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain,with the same amount of effectiveness.
It’s really no surprise,governments have been robbing citizens since the beginning of time through various methods of inflation. Before the advent of paper money and the magic printing press,rulers had to physically change the size of coins. Coins got smaller and smaller till there was nothing left.
It is surprising the central planners are sticking to this there is no inflation story. I guess they figure,if we were stupid enough to vote them in we are also stupid enough to believe there is no inflation.
You see wages are not going up,homes are not going up in price,and technology devices are falling in price. But oil,food,commodities,stocks are going through the roof. Never forget these are same scoundrels who caused the financial crisis by forcing banks to loan money to people who could not fog a mirror.
In truth there is no way out. We either stop spending and live within our means,which will cause a slowdown and a painful recession,but with tax reform and smaller government the US economy will rebound from it stronger than ever or we keep printing money, destroy our currency, and let society fall into chaos. Doesn’t seem like that difficult a choice,unless you are a US politician.
In the meantime I will spend more time in meditation.Inhale,there is no inflation,exhale. Repeat.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Some swing thoughts I worked on tonight
1.Take it back slow
2.Keep left foot on ground
3.Keep right foot on ground
4. Drop it in the slot
5.Fire the hips
6.Bump the hips
7.Release through the ball
8.Keep head still
9.Let head move
11.Wait on it. This used to make a lot of sense when I drank.
12.Keep a light grip
13.Keep your mind clear of clutter
14. Bend knees more
15. Stand more upright
16. Change equipment
17.Short NFLX
18.Keep body behind ball
19.Arnies Grip
20.Keep head behind ball
21.WTF every happened to Jimmy Balard
22.Swing around the body
23.Fire through the ball
24.How many strokes will Boehner give Obama
25.Really, a movie rental company is the market lead. Really?
e it back slow
2.Keep left foot on ground
3.Keep right foot on ground
4. Drop it in the slot
5.Fire the hips
6.Bump the hips
7.Release through the ball
8.Keep head still
9.Let head move
11.Wait on it. This used to make a lot of sense when I drank.
12.Keep a light grip
13.Keep your mind clear of clutter
14. Bend knees more
15. Stand more upright
16. Change equipment
17.Short NFLX
18.Keep body behind ball
19.Arnies Grip
20.Keep head behind ball
21.WTF every happened to Jimmy Ballard
22.Swing around the body
23.Fire through the ball
24.How many strokes will Boehner give Obama
25.Really, a movie rental company is the market leader. Really?
26.Never think or say the word "shank".
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ten Worst Shots in Golf
1. Baker Finch hits building on 18 from #1 tee on Old Course.
2.Norman almost hits auto on display in middle of lake on 18th at Doral,with a 7 iron!
3.Norman power shanks 4 iron 2nd shot on 18th in 1986 Masters deep into gallery to lose Masters.
3. Seve hits a drop kick duck hook 4 iron on 15 in 1986 Masters,to lose same Masters
4.Davis Love 3 whacks 20ft putt to lose US Open. Left 2 putts short.
5.Norman hits driver putting fairway trap into play in sudden death at Troon. Norman loses again.
6. Phils power shank drive on #18 2006 Open at Winged Foot..
7.Anytime Weiskopf played #12 at Augusta.
8. Me,Texas State Am. Stonebridge Dye,1990. Tried to hit a 3 iron 3 times on #12,a 220 par 3 over water with a 30 mph sideways wind. One putted for 13 and then parred out for 92. Never hit a 3 iron over 200yds in my life,so I have no idea what I was trying to do.
9.Numerous Norman shots the day he laid down and let Faldo run him over.
10. Me again, Back to School Tourney,1969. Someone told me on 18th tee, a 185yd uphill 3 that I had a 2 shot lead. With a gallery behind green,car lot to the right,shaking like a dog,I opted for a hard duck hook into the junk yard that bordered the left side. Punch out, 3 putt to miss playoff by 1 shot. Cried on way home,then got drunk.
2.Norman almost hits auto on display in middle of lake on 18th at Doral,with a 7 iron!
3.Norman power shanks 4 iron 2nd shot on 18th in 1986 Masters deep into gallery to lose Masters.
3. Seve hits a drop kick duck hook 4 iron on 15 in 1986 Masters,to lose same Masters
4.Davis Love 3 whacks 20ft putt to lose US Open. Left 2 putts short.
5.Norman hits driver putting fairway trap into play in sudden death at Troon. Norman loses again.
6. Phils power shank drive on #18 2006 Open at Winged Foot..
7.Anytime Weiskopf played #12 at Augusta.
8. Me,Texas State Am. Stonebridge Dye,1990. Tried to hit a 3 iron 3 times on #12,a 220 par 3 over water with a 30 mph sideways wind. One putted for 13 and then parred out for 92. Never hit a 3 iron over 200yds in my life,so I have no idea what I was trying to do.
9.Numerous Norman shots the day he laid down and let Faldo run him over.
10. Me again, Back to School Tourney,1969. Someone told me on 18th tee, a 185yd uphill 3 that I had a 2 shot lead. With a gallery behind green,car lot to the right,shaking like a dog,I opted for a hard duck hook into the junk yard that bordered the left side. Punch out, 3 putt to miss playoff by 1 shot. Cried on way home,then got drunk.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Absolute Worst Ten Things in Texas
1. Shiela Jackson Lee
2. August
4.Joel Osteen
6.Houston Texans
7.Dallas Cowboys
9.The people who elected Shiela Jackson Lee
10. Fort Stockton
2. August
4.Joel Osteen
6.Houston Texans
7.Dallas Cowboys
9.The people who elected Shiela Jackson Lee
10. Fort Stockton
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What a Way to Start the New Year
We all hope to make a bingo in every scrabble game,nothing is better than the expression on your opponents face,especially if said opponent is your wife,when you lay all 7 down. When I saw my first set of tiles,I knew immediately I had at least one word. I played STIFFED. Boom! In the next set of tiles I decided to keep the letters N G,in hopes of playing off the I in STIFFED or maybe picking up another I. Then on my third turn I play PREENING. Boom another Bingo. My total of 367 was low for having 2 bingos but what can you do. First play in a long time. Too long. One other nice play was V-ANS,that picked AXE and JOBS.
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