1. Legalize all drugs. The cost savings would be huge. We could end the War on Drugs, if you haven’t noticed we have been getting our asses kicked for 40 years in this War. We could empty prisons of Americans there on drug charges,cutting billions from prison costs. The gang wars on Mexican border would stop overnight. More Mexicans would choose to live in Mexico. The government could find some large political contributor, like GE,and let them manufacture and sell drugs within our borders and of course share in the profits. Guess we forgot that prohibition thing did not work to well in the 20s. Best of all a person like myself who is unable to drink alcohol could fire up the bong tonight as I get ready to watch Breaking Bad or Wilfred. Think of the millions of new jobs in our new drug industry as well as rehab industry. Its a gold mine. What are we waiting for?
2.What the fuck are we doing in Afghanistan? Why are we building schools for cavemen who hate us when there are Americans who can not read and teachers who if they can find work cant make a living wage? Have we not read world history? Afghanistan intervention led to the demise of both British and Russian empires,so we figure WTF,lets give it a ago? Its not like we haven’t fucked up everything we have touched in south east asia or the mid east. Making the same mistakes over and over with the same horrid results is either the sign of insanity or an American politician.
3. Make Unions illegal for government employees. This needs no explanation
4.Shut down Fannie and Freddie. Get the government out of the home business and while we are at it end the mortgage deduction for homes.
5. Sell the Post Office to private enterprise.Yeah,this would hurt the important junk mail industry but so be it.
6. Shut down Dept of Education and Commerce
7. Start profiling at Airports and start curtailing TSA.
8.Sell Amtrak to private enterprise
9.Make it illegal to collect pensions from more than one government agency.
10. Stop all foreign travel for Congress.
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