Saturday, July 30, 2011

Few Suggestion on how Federal Government could save money

1. Legalize all drugs. The cost savings would be huge. We could end the War on Drugs, if you haven’t noticed we have been getting our asses kicked for 40 years in this War. We could empty prisons of Americans there on drug charges,cutting billions from prison costs. The gang wars on Mexican border would stop overnight. More Mexicans would choose to live in Mexico. The government could find some large political contributor, like GE,and let them manufacture and sell drugs within our borders and of course share in the profits. Guess we forgot that prohibition thing did not work to well in the 20s. Best of all a person like myself who is unable to drink alcohol could fire up the bong tonight as I get ready to watch Breaking Bad or Wilfred. Think of the millions of new jobs in our new drug industry as well as rehab industry. Its a gold mine. What are we waiting for?
2.What the fuck are we doing in Afghanistan? Why are we building schools for cavemen who hate us when there are Americans who can not read and teachers who if they can find work cant make a living wage? Have we not read world history? Afghanistan intervention led to the demise of both British and Russian empires,so we figure WTF,lets give it a ago? Its not like we haven’t fucked up everything we have touched in south east asia or the mid east. Making the same mistakes over and over with the same horrid results is either the sign of insanity or an American politician.
3. Make Unions illegal for government employees. This needs no explanation
4.Shut down Fannie and Freddie. Get the government out of the home business and while we are at it end the mortgage deduction for homes.
5. Sell the Post Office to private enterprise.Yeah,this would hurt the important junk mail industry but so be it.
6. Shut down Dept of Education and Commerce
7. Start profiling at Airports and start curtailing TSA.
8.Sell Amtrak to private enterprise
9.Make it illegal to collect pensions from more than one government agency.
10. Stop all foreign travel for Congress.

Friday, July 29, 2011


A friend who lives on the other side of Houston wanted me to read a book he had just finished.Two days later I received the book from Amazon. It was used and cost $2,shipping was free because my friend is an Amazon Prime member,as am I. It would have cost each of us $5 in gas and several hours out of our day to meet to exchange the book. It was cheaper to buy it from Amazon and have it delivered. This event keeps intruding into whats left of my alcohol ravaged brain reminding me of the genius that is Bezos and the fact that I sold AMZN at $80 for a $5 profit. Strong stocks get stronger you moron.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Democrat Game Plan

1.Blame Bush
2.Blame Tea Party
3.Blame Billionaires
4.Blame Private Jet Owners
5.Blame Bush
6.Blame Supply and Demand
7.Blame the Unfairness of it all
8.Hatred for anyone who has more than you or is more successful than you
9.True Economic prosperity can only be created by Government Investment(freebasing your tax dollars). Say this one over and over 10 times a day,then send it to 35 people you know and it will come true.
10.Only white cracker racists would oppose the incineration of more of their money by the Central Planners
11. There is no Inflation
12. But if there is Inflation it is good.
13. More inflation is better. Inflation is a hidden tax on those who save and used to pay for government schemes, like the con we are pulling on China. Communists are born suckers. In the end our government transfers the wealth of the middle class and the Commies to those in US who have been held back or trampled by Capitalists.
14. Blame Bush
15.Cant we all just get along
16. Republicans want to starve old people,children, and your pets.
as possible.
17. Racist Republicans do not properly inflate their tires
18.Everyone should be able to buy a home,even if they cant fog a mirror.
19.Turbo Tax is hard to use
20. Save us Hillary,but lose the pantsuits.

Please Stop the Noise

Here we go again. Just as with Tarp,the GM bailout,Stimulus 1,2,and 3,as well as QE 1,2,and maybe 3 Obama,Democrats and their lapdog media have to whip us into a panic to sell the notion that to avoid the end of the world we must raise the debt ceiling. They say we must do this to avoid a downgrade but the agencies that would do the downgrading say they want 4 trillion in spending cuts. So why is it we need to raise the Debt ceiling which allows the government to spend more money they don’t have? You see the insanity of the Left’s and Media’s argument. They are saying we must spend more to avoid downgrades which their spending will trigger or are they saying the only way they will accept cuts far out in the future is if we allow them to spend more now?Like petulant children they will scream and yell till they get what they want. They want more spending,less cuts and most important they want credit for any deal done. So how do we stop the 24/7 panic machine of the Left?
It should be obvious with the medias non coverage of Obama’s wars compared to the 24/7mad dog attacks on Bush for his war,that the Media will only accept spending cuts if they come from a Democrat. We all know,no Democrat worth his offshore bank account is gonna cut spending,which in effect lessens the power of a Congressman and his ability to raise personal "funds". Their power is derived from their ability to spend taxpayer money or Bernanke play money and the US tax code. Its why they will never stop spending or reform the tax code. Our only hope is a Manchurian Candidate. A sane fiscally responsible man or woman would have to masquerade as a Democrat ,infiltrate the party,and win the nomination.
Unfortunately by the time our Manchurian Candidate is old enough to run the good ole USA will be Greece. So I suggest Rep.Boehner go to Obama with a deal and agree to call it Obama’s Deal but dont worry the media will call it that anyways,just like they did when Republicans dragged Waskally Willy kicking and screaming to a balanced budget and welfare reform. This is where it gets good,you offer Obama a life time membership to Augusta if he accepts spending cuts. No way he turns that down. Once that is done,start working on the Cypress Point membership that you will need in 6 months when this whole God forsaken mess comes up again.