Friday, November 16, 2012

More Benghazi

There is no way for us to know what Obama is hiding in the Benghazi Slaughter/Cover-up. It could be the simple explanation that the Benghazi attack went against his campaign narrative that Al Qaeda was on the run or it could be something much more devious. The only thing we know for sure is they concocted a lie about a You Tube video  to explain the attack and this lame brained attempt at deception has just compounded their problems. As I have said before, the You Tube has Hillary’s handwriting all over it. This is what she did after Vince Foster died. Whether it was murder or just a suicide her cover up was the genesis of 1000 conspiracies and bad publicity for the Clinton Administration that went on for years. Her Vast Right Wing Conspiracy lie to cover up her husbands never ending quest to get laid and the abuse of a female intern with a cigar was only believed by the main stream media.   The You Tube cover-up is so similar to these, and only a complete fool (read Democrat) or member of the main stream media would believe something this preposterous .
We also know Susan Rice came out on TV blaming the attack on the You Tube video.  It seems more likely to me that someone fed Rice the false narrative because they knew it fit her beliefs and she was an easy sell. Obama used her to further the cover up knowing it would end her political career. On the other hand she was the person who counseled Clinton and US not to take Bin Laden from Sudan and she still has a job, so who knows. She is strong anti Israel and pro anti Israel groups.  She actually stayed for an Achmawhackjob speech at the UN but walked out on Netanyahoos speech. Could there be an easier person to pull this fraud on? Again not counting those who  work for NBC,CBS,ABC, CNN ,Wash Post and NYT. The pure genius of this fraud is Obama  and the main stream media will blame Republicans for her destruction and the people will believe. When all along it was Obama who used and abused her knowing it was the end of her political career.
Now we have a woman in Florida, who it appears represents Middle East interests and has cultivated close personal relationships with the two lead US generals in that region. Wondering if McCain is rethinking his blasting Michelle Bachman in regards to Bachman’s concerns of where Huma Abedin’s real allegiances lie. Huma Abedin is Hillary Clintons (aka Mags Bennet) top aide and husband of  pervert Democrat Anthony Weener.  You can’t make this shit up. Can you imagine the stories these two women have? In any case we have what appears to be Arab Muslim operatives penetrating all levels of our government and military.  Before you scream McCarthyism watch was is happening not what the Democrats and Media are feeding you.
Its as if we are watching an entire of season of Homeland. Do not fear Israel, after you are attacked, Obama will hunt down those responsible (he actually said this in a debate) and try them in US civil courts. Only after you are attacked.
Don’t worry things can only get worse over the next four years.

Friday, November 9, 2012

WWW. What Went Wrong

People hate to admit it but the reason Romney lost is the same reason McCain lost. He did not get down in the gutter with Obama. Obama spent a year claiming Romney hated women,hated non whites,hated old people,was a criminal,and a liar. For a year the MSM repeated these claims never once questioning them. Romney thought if he ran a noble clean campaign he would appeal to intelligent Americans. Mr. Romney that America does not exist and I don’t know if it ever has. Since the days of our Founding, politicians have attacked each other with lies and false truths and they have won. The whole clean campaign strategy wins is a lie forced on the Republicans by the MSM that supports Democrats.

Obama is an image of cool and intelligence created by the MSM. He is neither and there are a 1000 youtube videos to prove it. I saw not one Romney ad showing Obama throwing a baseball,bowling,or riding his bike looking like Forest Gump. I saw no ads with Rev. Wright,Huma Abedin,or Van Jones. I heard very little about the Benghazi slaughter. I heard nothing from Romney about Obama’s mentors,all radical anti US types. I heard nothing questioning Hillary Clintons competence and the role of her aide Human Abedin. I heard nothing about he bribes Obama took from Tony Rezco. I heard nothing of the Countrywide 6 or the Fast and Furious scandal.

When you see that Romney suffered from a low white vote turn out as well as getting less Republican votes than the dim witted McCain did, you have to wonder,what went wrong? I live in Houston Texas and until the last few days I never saw a Romney TV ad. Were Republicans spending too much time and money trying to woo the undecided vote rather than firing up their own base? I don’t know. We know there are many,more on the left, who do not like or trust Mormons. Was that the reason? Was it because Romney wasn’t socially conservative enough for the Religious Right? All questions that will take much more time to answer.

Since Obama and Clinton have proven people vote for style and image over substance,should Romney have put someone with conservative values who is not a pasty white man on the ticket? Every Republican woman who has come forward has been destroyed by the MSM. Every Black Republican has been trashed by MSM. This has led the Republican Party leadership to stay away from candidates whom the MSM have slandered and lied about. I love Paul Ryan and think he was the best person for the job,but its apparent people are not voting for what is best. They are voting for what they think is cool.

Another mistake that hurt Romney was when he did not forcefully challenge the lies of Candy Crowley and Obama concerning Benghazi. It made him appear to be the dishonest one when he has been right on this since the first time he spoke out on it.

There were also the two abortion gaffes by two republican outliers late in the election. Republicans, Abortion is the law of the land. We may hate it and oppose,but we can not impose our religious beliefs on the heathens ,excuse me, Democrats. Abort away. The more Liberals who choose abortion the better off we are as a society. The most any Republican should say about abortion is No Comment and it is the law of the land. Attention idiots and that includes the MSM,abortion is the law of the land,no one can change that or is trying to. Go for it, abort away.

The Republican position on Gay Marriage is also foolish. How can we as a society discriminate against gay people. As Kinky says why shouldn’t they be as miserable as the rest of us. I am not saying everyone has to condone homosexuality,just saying you can’t discriminate or force your religious beliefs on others. Thats what the Muslims do. Why are we doing it?

Trying to understand how the two best candidates either party has ever put forward lost is puzzling. They voted the for the guy who promised the free shit over the guy who promised to take it away may be simplistic but it is true. Have we reached that tipping our Founders warned us about where there are more in the cart than pulling the cart? If thats the case its game over.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Benghazi Hustle

While the MSM attempts to ignore Benghazigate as they do with all Democrat disasters, such as the Democrat looting of Fannie and Freddie, forcing banks to loan money to people who could never pay them back and of course Fast and Furious, the gift that keeps on giving, Crazy Joe Biden throws the State Department (Hillary and Bill Clinton) underneath the bus. This comes just a few weeks after Bill Clinton saved the Obama campaign by delivering one of his patented mind numbing mendacious ramblings at the Democrat Convention. Democrats and the MSM value how well someone lies and spins over policy and truth, remember the MSM has always considered the truth to be dirty politics, and no one is better at it than Waskally Willy(pronounced with a Barney Frank spittle spray).

We don’t know who knew what prior to Benghazigate and for sure thats troubling, but the point is why are Democrats and the MSM trying so hard to keep it out of headlines. Everyone knows its part of Obama policy for the US to keep a low profile and lead from behind in the Middle East, which means less troops protecting US interests in the region,so the disaster at Benghazi should be no big surprise. Maybe thats why the MSM and Obama gang seems so uninterested in the whole affair. Why keep the FBI from investigating the murder and rape scene? Curious that Arab Muslim terrorists occupy their idle time raping dead and living men while waiting for death so they can screw virgins. And you thought Catholics were crazy.(i am Catholic)

Would Obama have jetted off to Vegas if he knew this was a terrorist attack? I find it hard to believe even someone has completely incompetent as Obama would do this. This is why this story is so delicious,there are so many conceivable plots. This smells a lot like the Clinton coverups from the 90s to me. Their first reaction to any situation is to lie or cover up,they spin just to spin. Remember the coverup of the Vince Foster suicide? They turned a simple suicide into a national conspiracy. Hillary kept her Hillarycare secret. This destroyed it. She blamed right wingers for Williams wandering member and semen stains on the blue dress. The YouTube lie fits the pattern.

A great endgame is  on  between Obama ,the Chicago gang and the Clintons. Hopefully it will damage the Anti American Party.

1. Did Hillary make up the YouTube story to protect her policies or incompetence?

2. Did Hillarys aide Huma Abedin have any contact with her family members in Muslim Brotherhood leading up to 9/11/12?

3. Is this some sinister Clinton plot to take their hated enemy Obama down?

4. Did Obama have a policy of not having military personnel l on hand so has not upset our new allies in the Muslim Brotherhood.

5.Did Obama and Biden really want a Peace Treaty with the Taliban,what’s next a peace treaty with Al Qaeda? Just had to throw that in.

6.Maybe Hillary did tell Obama it was a Terrorist attack and he just said fuck it and jetted off to Vegas?

7.Maybe Biden did not get the memo that it was a Terrorist attack?

8.Is Susan Rice the cut out? Was she set up to protect HIllary and Barry? Hard to believe someone in a post as inconsequential as UN ambassador would knowingly spend a week on TV lying,but then again she is a Democrat.

9.Curious no one in the MSM has used the phrase “connect the dots”.

10. Barry was told it was a terror attack and to cover his ass he concocted the YouTube lie. Its does fit his belief that the internet and prosperity are destroying governments ability to shackle its citizens.

11. I am sure everyone has a list this long.

PS. Shout out to Robert Bork. Crazy Joe dropped your name in the debate to frighten voters. Problem is most voters do not remember you or the way he destroyed your great reputation so he could spend hours on TV pontificating and proving he was indeed braindead.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Lori Roast

Everyone‘s Favorite Person (sorry Randy)

Where do we begin? Our most memorable Lori moments always seem to revolve around the game of golf or being in an automobile with Lori driving. Please remember, it’s Lori’s world, and we should consider ourselves blessed to be part of it. Blessed by whom I don’t know. Anyways, here goes.

It was a heavily overcast sunless afternoon at Killarney Country Club in the year of Lori 1992, the only day in Ireland we experienced without torrential rains and cyclone force winds. Did I mention Lori hates Ireland? On the first hole she hit what appeared to be a very nice second shot , alas it was a wee bit too steamy, and it careened off the green, coming to rest in a swale a foot or two below the green. Lori’s caddie asked if she wanted a sand wedge, Lori responded, no thanks, I‘ve already eaten lunch. She could not understand why everyone, including caddies were on the ground laughing. Easily one of my top ten moments in the History of Golf.

For those not familiar with Pinehurst, it is a famous resort in North Carolina. There are eight courses and they are named No. 1,No. 2, No. 3 and so on. One night over dinner after a recent trip to Pinehurst, a low budget trip which did not please my wife, we were telling Randy and Lori that we had a great time there but we could not play No.2. Lori asked why we would want to play a course that only had 17 holes open.

We picked up Lori and Randy at the Glasgow airport in Scotland, Lori demanded, yes, demanded that she drive. This was the first time Lori had ever driven on the wrong side of the road. I had the pleasure of being her navigator up front while Randy and Martha cowered on the floor in the back seat. As you know the roads in Scotland are very narrow and can barely handle two cars side by side. So it becomes problematic when a large semi or tour bus comes hurtling around the bend or you have the terrifying experience of sharing a bridge with one these large vehicles. Lori handled these rather tense situations by putting a two hand death grip on the steering wheel, closing her eyes, and screaming either bus or truck at the top of her lungs. I trace my loss of hearing to this ear shattering event. Later that evening as the adrenaline rush one often experiences in times of shock or high stress wore off, Randy,Martha and I began to shake and convulse involuntarily. The three of us drank heavily. Lori joined us when she discovered the water coming from the bathroom faucet identical to that off Galveston.

The Roundabouts in Scotland also proved to be a problem for Lori. Once in one she could not get off. Each was it’s own special twilight zone, round and round we would go, as many as 3 loops, with Lori begging one of us to grab the steering wheel. Never let the occupant of the passenger seat steer a car in a roundabout.

Anyone who has experienced the utter horror of driving thru a parking lot at 70mph with Lori at the wheel knows why speed bumps were invented and will never curse their existence again, the exception being those mother frickers on Valley Manor. Unbeknownst to Lori, Martha clutches a rosary and carries a small vial of holy water whenever they enter a parking lot or school zone.