While the MSM attempts to ignore Benghazigate as they do with all Democrat disasters, such as the Democrat looting of Fannie and Freddie, forcing banks to loan money to people who could never pay them back and of course Fast and Furious, the gift that keeps on giving, Crazy Joe Biden throws the State Department (Hillary and Bill Clinton) underneath the bus. This comes just a few weeks after Bill Clinton saved the Obama campaign by delivering one of his patented mind numbing mendacious ramblings at the Democrat Convention. Democrats and the MSM value how well someone lies and spins over policy and truth, remember the MSM has always considered the truth to be dirty politics, and no one is better at it than Waskally Willy(pronounced with a Barney Frank spittle spray).
We don’t know who knew what prior to Benghazigate and for sure thats troubling, but the point is why are Democrats and the MSM trying so hard to keep it out of headlines. Everyone knows its part of Obama policy for the US to keep a low profile and lead from behind in the Middle East, which means less troops protecting US interests in the region,so the disaster at Benghazi should be no big surprise. Maybe thats why the MSM and Obama gang seems so uninterested in the whole affair. Why keep the FBI from investigating the murder and rape scene? Curious that Arab Muslim terrorists occupy their idle time raping dead and living men while waiting for death so they can screw virgins. And you thought Catholics were crazy.(i am Catholic)
Would Obama have jetted off to Vegas if he knew this was a terrorist attack? I find it hard to believe even someone has completely incompetent as Obama would do this. This is why this story is so delicious,there are so many conceivable plots. This smells a lot like the Clinton coverups from the 90s to me. Their first reaction to any situation is to lie or cover up,they spin just to spin. Remember the coverup of the Vince Foster suicide? They turned a simple suicide into a national conspiracy. Hillary kept her Hillarycare secret. This destroyed it. She blamed right wingers for Williams wandering member and semen stains on the blue dress. The YouTube lie fits the pattern.
A great endgame is on between Obama ,the Chicago gang and the Clintons. Hopefully it will damage the Anti American Party.
1. Did Hillary make up the YouTube story to protect her policies or incompetence?
2. Did Hillarys aide Huma Abedin have any contact with her family members in Muslim Brotherhood leading up to 9/11/12?
3. Is this some sinister Clinton plot to take their hated enemy Obama down?
4. Did Obama have a policy of not having military personnel l on hand so has not upset our new allies in the Muslim Brotherhood.
5.Did Obama and Biden really want a Peace Treaty with the Taliban,what’s next a peace treaty with Al Qaeda? Just had to throw that in.
6.Maybe Hillary did tell Obama it was a Terrorist attack and he just said fuck it and jetted off to Vegas?
7.Maybe Biden did not get the memo that it was a Terrorist attack?
8.Is Susan Rice the cut out? Was she set up to protect HIllary and Barry? Hard to believe someone in a post as inconsequential as UN ambassador would knowingly spend a week on TV lying,but then again she is a Democrat.
9.Curious no one in the MSM has used the phrase “connect the dots”.
10. Barry was told it was a terror attack and to cover his ass he concocted the YouTube lie. Its does fit his belief that the internet and prosperity are destroying governments ability to shackle its citizens.
11. I am sure everyone has a list this long.
PS. Shout out to Robert Bork. Crazy Joe dropped your name in the debate to frighten voters. Problem is most voters do not remember you or the way he destroyed your great reputation so he could spend hours on TV pontificating and proving he was indeed braindead.
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