Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let me say this about that

First of all let me say I am a Tiger fan, and was sick he might have to withdraw from the Masters, but Tiger broke the rules, he took an improper drop to gain advantage, he said as much.  He did not know it was an improper drop at the time  but ignorance of the rules of golf does not excuse you from penalty.  This led to him signing an incorrect scorecard. Later when he learned he had taken an illegal drop it was incumbent on him as a golfer to DQ himself.  The integrity of golf depends upon the individual participant calling penalties on himself,not a rules official or spectator catching those breaking the rules. Golf is the only sport in which competitors routinely call penalties on themselves,without the aid of referees or rules officials. This ruling means DQ is dead no matter the infraction.
Augusta should immediately award a green jacket posthumously to Roberto De Vincenzo.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Economic Terrorist or Deadbeat Grifter

Imagine a bank robber who, every three months, enters the same bank with a suicide vest on. Each time he threatens to blow up the bank and everyone in it if he is not given money. Each time the bank gives him what he wants. The media is present at each robbery and criticizes the bank for not meeting the robbers demands quickly enough. After each robbery the media lauds the robber for his brilliant scheme and also supports the robber because he has no other way to earn a living. This is what is happening in American today, with Obama, the Republicans, and the Media. Obama threatens to blow up the economy by raising taxes on everyone or by defaulting at each negotiation, the Media supports this, and the Republicans cave time after time. Obama and most Democrats are economic terrorists, more dangerous to American than any Muslim terrorist. Muslim terrorists, this was not meant as an insult.

While Republican’s have appeared to limit the damage the Democrat’s can do to America via higher taxes, they still have gotten nothing in return for raising said taxes. Nothing but promises that Obama will consider cutting some spending. Everytime the Republicans have agreed to higher taxes the Democrats have never delivered the agreed upon spending cuts. Now Obama is considering cuts, maybe, sort of, ten years out but only if he can raise taxes higher. Its like selling a car to some one who has reneged on deals with you in the past and asking him to sign no legal binding agreement. Then when you confront the buyer he says he might pay you ten years from now. When you confront him again he says he will never pay you for the first car unless you also sell him your other car with out any payment conditions.

Is Obama trying to destroy American as we know it? Yes, this is his transformation. Is he economically illiterate? Uh,yeah. Is he enriching all who support him? Yes. So why aren’t republicans fighting for America rather than giving it away piece by piece, paying every ransom demand and getting nothing in return? Same reason they failed to stop the Democrat crooks running Fannie and Freddie. They fear the Media, they fear being branded racist, and some don’t want the spending to stop. Congressional power is derived from the progressive income tax system and their ability to spend other people’s money to buy support, enrich themselves and close supporters.

McCain and Romney both failed to fight all out for the Presidency. They failed to brand Obama and Democrats as the anti American, socialist crooks they are. Both McCain and Romney said Obama is a nice guy. He is not a nice guy. Most of the voters who voted for Obama do not understand economics, they are ignorant. You don’t win their support by trying to explain why capitalism works and why socialism doesn’t, you win their votes by making Obama look like the crook and dork he is. You must lampoon him 24/7 ,the way Democrats and their Media do every female or black Republican candidate. You must investigate every scandal, even if it has no basis. It’s how you win, it’s how US politicians have always won.