Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is Change?

How could this marvelous man fall into the same Health care trap door the Clintons did? Why did this smartest of all presidents use the same heavy handed and secretive tactics that doomed the Clinton plan and caused the Dems to lose control of Congress. Are their memories that short or is this only way these effete tyrants know how to govern. We were told Obama would end the politics of old,yet it appears he is a practitioner of the oldest kind of politics,Chicago thuggery.

The real question is how does a guy who actually believes proper tire inflation is a suitable alternative to offshore drilling even become a presidential candidate or graduate from college? The same dude wants to tell us how to live yet smokes like a chimney? OK,you are never gonna pick Obama for you baseball team or bowling league,but can you imagine if a Republican had thrown that pitch or gutter ball? Or why when giving a speech on a health care bill,he hasn't read and appears to know nothing about,would this man who is told us he would take us beyond race try and start a race war? To throw us off course? To hide the fact he has no idea what he is talking about? No,race is all they know. Its their "go to" move. They used it to stop Republicans from regulating Fannie,which may have allowed us to escape the financial disaster, they scream race at every turn on every issue. Yet Obamas own VP called him a "clean one". Complete insanity. And the ever vigilant mainstream media reports it only if its a Republican. Who can forget the uproar over Delay taking a few golf trips paid for by lobbyists? Yet there is not even a peep out of mainstream media over the Dems who looted Fannie and Freddie for personal and political riches or the Countrywide 6.

The Dems playbook is so thin,their only defense on a horrible health bill is racism. The same white people who put Obama in office now want to see him fail because he is black. The Republicans,the party who put Clarence Thomas on Supreme Court against fierce Democrat opposition,had a black Sec of Defense and Sec of State,are against Obamas health bill because they are racists. The mainstream media which appears now more than ever to be an arm of the Democrat party,reports every Democrat racism charge as if its fact. The same mainstream media failed to challenge Obama during the campaign and failed to alert the public about his beliefs. They failed to demand his college records. Can you imagine if any Republican had spent 20 years with Rev Wright,or called the anti American hate mongering racist a great influence?

As each day goes by we are discovering that Obama was listening to all the those Rev Wright sermons,when will the media report it?

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