Monday, May 16, 2011

Deja Vu all over again?

Checked into the Stoneliegh Hotel in Dallas for my daughter Patty’s wedding. We are here for a week. Internet access still sucks. Last time I spent a week in this hotel was after Hurricane Ike hit Houston. We stayed here till our power came back. That was also the week the market got murdered. I remember following Joe Donohue,Upsidetrader,tweets. He was short the world and as the market collapsed he pressed his bets. It was indeed impressive. I would try to make the occasional dip buy and then lose my internet connection,only to find out by watching the TV or calling my broker I had had my head crushed in. Then when my internet would come back I would see Joe had shorted where I had bought. It was a painful day in learning you don’t fight the flow,you make the market your friend. If the wind is in your face all you have to do is turn around and its at your back. I love shorting but am long various stocks long term so I am hoping this isn’t a repeat of that black week a few years ago. Whatever happens I am going to follow what Joe does this time.
On another note it really sucks NFLX chooses to implode the day I am out of the office. I knew at some time my cancellation of NFLX subscription would be too much for the stock to handle.

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