Monday, August 1, 2011

Things Liberals believe, a work in progess

1.Spending money, that your crazy Uncle Benny is printing in the basement is creating wealth.
2.Republicans want to starve children,old people,and poor people
3.Republicans want to poison our water and air
4.Those who pay taxes are not paying enough.
5.Belief that man can change the weather and climate by using certain types of light bulbs. To date there absolutely no scientific proof of man made global warming.
6.FDR pulled us out of the great depression with massive government spending.
7.George Bush created Hurricane Katrina
8.Republicans are racists.
9.Republicans want to end SS
10.Bush and Cheney started Iraq war to benefit Haliburton.
11.Cheney is a Nazi
12.All wars initiated by Democrats have been smart wars(obamanism). WW One,WW Two,Korea,Viet Nam,Afghanistan Two,and Libya.
13.Bush and Cheney were somehow involved in 911.
14.Capitalism is evil the and foundation of all our problems
15.Obama is intelligent
16.Would buy something from Harry Reid or Jim Wright
17.There is absolutely nothing improper about the President abusing a young intern in the White House. After all she was wearing a thong and should have known better.
18.There is a great Right Wing Plot.
19.Republicans want old people,children,minorities,and gays to die
20.George Bush was somehow involved with four other white cracker racists in the dragging death of William Byrd in Jasper Tx.
21.Teddy Kennedy wrongly persecuted because of a drunken slut who was seducing him did not know how to swim.
22.Republicans masterminded a plot to extend the Iranian Hostage Crisis to insure Jimbo Carters defeat. This included a midnight flight in a supersonic spy plane to Europe by soon to be VP George Bush to convince Iranian terrorists not to release hostages until Reagan won.
23.Barney Frank is an honest and competent human being
24.Turbo Tax is difficult to understand
25. New Technology creating much of present economic problems
26.Christians are nuts
27.Timothy McVeigh was a Republican
28. Cuba health care system is superior to US.
29.Proper tire inflation can solve the worlds energy crisis
30.George Bush was a conservative
31.James Carville and Paul Begala are honest,civil and intelligent.
32.Terrorists from other countries and illegal immigrants have same rights in US as US citizens. They should not pay taxes.
33.Bill Clinton balanced the budget and reformed welfare
34.Voters should not have to prove they are US citizens
35. Illegal immigrants should be able to vote and get free college education
36.Building schools for murdering barbarians in Afghanistan will make Afghans like us.
37.Government spending creates self sustaining jobs and wealth
38.There is no problem when a company like Countrywide gives special mortgages to Democrat Senators.
39. Algore invented the internet
40. The Middle East has contributed much to today’s civilization.
41. John Kerry is breathing.
42. It was ok for Robert Byrd to have been a leading member in the KKK because he was able to loot enough money from taxpayers to keep West Virginy solvent and his family very wealthy. But Republicans are the racists.
43.Oil companies collude with one another to fix prices and destroy the environment.
44.Most Oil company employees are aliens who can live in our polluted environment.
45. Henry Waxman looks a like a normal human being
46. Dennis Kucinich is a reasonable person
47. Donny Deutsch is not creepy
48.Believe John Stewart is a real news anchor

1 comment:

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